Thursday, January 26, 2012

Bogus Burgers: Fast Food False Advertising

How often have you bought a fast-food item only to notice that not only does it look nothing like the picture on the menu (or in their ads), but there's no way you could rearrange the ingredients so that it would?

There's a few guys taking them to task, and this compilation on Geekologie has the scoop.

From Geekologie:

This is a series of photos comparing fast food company's advertising shots to meals actually received in real life. SURPRISE!: they look nothing alike. Of course if you actually went to Burger King expecting to get something resembling the burger in the picture you obviously have a problem being honest with yourself. Like when you buy a pint of Ben & Jerry's at the grocery store and tell yourself you're only gonna eat half of it tonight. You always eat the whole thing, don't you? "No." DON'T YOU? "Yes." And? "And nothing." AND? "And a Snicker's Ice Cream Bar." AHAHAHAHAHA, I didn't actually know that but I'm not surprised.
Hit the jump for a whole bunch more including some tacos but it's mostly McDonald's and Burger King (SPOILER: The king is a LIAR).

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